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                Smart cloud platform 中文
                Home > Business > Grundfos Product Agent

                Grundfos Product Agent

                Guangzhou Zhongzhou Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. is the first agent of Grundfos in South China, and also the after-sales service center in South China authorized by Grundfos. The company mainly sells Grundfos PPS, S series SE1/SEV, SEG, DPK/DWK/DW, etc.), Submersible mixer (AMD series, AMG series), Submersible current thruster (AFG/AFV series), Grundrich circulation, pressurized multi-stage centrifugal pump (CR, CRI, CRN, CM, etc.), Deep well pump (SP, etc., Pipeline pump (NBG TP, etc.), Secondary water supply without negative pressure, Pressurized water supply, Alldos chlorination equipment, chlorine dioxide generator, sodium hypochlorite generator, metering pump and other products.
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                About us
                Group introduction
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                Qualification & Honor
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                Corporate Cultures
                Odor and VOCs Treatment
                Sludge treatment
                Water environment management
                Environmental services and inv...
                Grundfos Product Agent
                Odor and VOCs governance
                Sludge treatment
                PPS Pump Station
                Environmental services
                Contact us
