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                Smart cloud platform 中文
                Home > Business > Grundfos Product Agent

                KPL & KWM

                Powerful water pump & Energy-saving and efficient operation

                KPL series submersible axial flow pumps and KWM series submersible mixed flow pumps are synonymous with high strength and durability.Ideal for flood control and drainage and other high-flow applications, the pump has several innovative features, such as a turbulence canceller that can increase system efficiency by up to two percent.

                The series uses a market-leading, efficient, compact design that significantly reduces the footprint of the pump station, thereby reducing the civil construction costs of the pump station.The pumps are made of cast iron or stainless steel and are available in a wide variety of variations in different materials, sensors, surface coatings and shaft seals to ensure excellent reliability even in harsh environments.

                Product Superiorities:

                · Industry-leading hydraulic efficiency, at a peak of more than 86%

                · Market leading compact, lightweight design

                · Sweep back self - cleaning hydraulic design, can effectively prevent clogging

                Range of Application

                The standard series of axial and mixed-flow pumps are designed for applications with large flow rates (up to 9000 L/s) and a maximum head of 23 m. In addition, we can also provide products with larger flow and higher head as required by customers, which are used to deal with large flow water:

                · Flood control and storm flow control

                · Large capacity drainage or irrigation system

                · Raw water for water

                · Sewage transport from large municipal sewage treatment plants

                · Large capacity water circulation

                · Water level control in coastal, low-lying areas

                · Water flooding and emptying of dry docks and port facilities

                · The filling and emptying of reservoirs

                KPL submersible axial flow pumps and KWM submersible mixed-flow pumps range in power from 11 kW to 700 kW and are available in 4 -, 6 -, 8 -, 10 -, 12 -, 14 - or 16-pole motors and 11 wellbore sizes (16-pole motors are available only for KPL).

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                Odor and VOCs Treatment
                Sludge treatment
                Water environment management
                Environmental services and inv...
                Grundfos Product Agent
                Odor and VOCs governance
                Sludge treatment
                PPS Pump Station
                Environmental services
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