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                Smart cloud platform 中文
                Home > Business > Grundfos Product Agent

                Prefabricated pumping station(PPS)

                Engineering solutions for pumping stations

                Grundfos PPS is an engineered solution consisting of a series of standard components assembled in a certain way. For each application, the design of the PPS pump station, which incorporates Grundfos years of engineering experience, will ensure optimal operational conditions.

                Grundfos offers a full range of functional modular pump stations - complete with the necessary pumps, piping, valves and water level controllers.A reasonable combination of pump pit design, pump and controller provides a reasonable solution for a specific application.

                The cylinder is available in a variety of diameters and heights, depending on the pump selected.Can be applied to drainage, wastewater, rainwater and sewage.The cylinder is cast from a rugged reinforced glass fiber reinforced glass (GRP) material, all pre-installed internal piping is stainless steel, and a GRP top cover is standard at all pump stations.

                > Quick and simple installation

                > Customized solution

                > High quality components

                > Rugged pump station barrel

                > Reliable and durable

                > Condition monitoring and remote monitoring

                > Patented sink bottom design

                About us
                Group introduction
                Group Members
                Development Process
                Qualification & Honor
                Scientific research innovation...
                Corporate Cultures
                Odor and VOCs Treatment
                Sludge treatment
                Water environment management
                Environmental services and inv...
                Grundfos Product Agent
                Odor and VOCs governance
                Sludge treatment
                PPS Pump Station
                Environmental services
                Contact us
