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                Smart cloud platform 中文
                Home > About us > Group Members > Guangdong Middle-land Environmental Protection Industry Co., Ltd

                Guangdong Middle-land Environmental Protection Industry Co., Ltd

                  Guangdong Middle-land Environmental Protection Industrial Co., Ltd,founded in 2014, is a member of the Guangzhou Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Industrial Biotechnology Transfer Center of the Guangdong Academy of Sciences. The company is a high-tech enterprise integrating environmental technology, equipment, engineering and services. Located in the national high-tech industrial development zone in Zhaoqing the company is one of the members of Nanfang Environmental Protection (Group). We have a modern R&D and production base. The first-stage project has been put into operation in 2018, while the second-stage project will be built up in 2021.In 2022,the company was rated as a Specialization, Refinement, Characteristic, Novelty small and medium-sized enterprises in Guangdong Province

                  The scope of the company's business covers malodor and VOCs control, sludge treatment, water environment management and environmental service. We have a proven performance in municipal, sanitation, petrochemical, papermakingl, printing & dyeing, food, Pharmaceutical and other industries.

                  The company has always regarded innovation and hard work as an important development strategy, and has cooperated with the Institute of Microbiology, Guangdong Academy of Sciences, Shandong University, South China University of Technology, Guangdong University of Technology and other universities in scientific research projects. It has over ten invention and utility model patents, as well as multiple high-tech products. Among them, "a foul odor biological treatment device using soil fillers" was rated as "2018 Guangdong Province High tech Product"; The "Smart Treatment Plan for Odor and Organic Waste Gas" won the Excellent Award in the Growth Group New Energy and Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Industry Finals of the 6th China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition and the First Prize in the Enterprise Group of the 2018 "Maker Guangdong" Zhaoqing Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition; The "Innovative Low Cost Sludge Dehydration and Drying Treatment System" won the third prize in the 2019 "Maker Guangdong" Zhaoqing Small and Medium sized Enterprise Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition; A biological deodorization device utilizing core-shell structured biological fillers and a sludge plunger pump were awarded the title of "Guangdong Province Famous High tech Product" in 2020; A harmless cooking waste gas treatment device for animal carcasses has been awarded the title of "2022 Guangdong Province Famous High tech Product".

                About us
                Group introduction
                Group Members
                Development Process
                Qualification & Honor
                Scientific research innovation...
                Corporate Cultures
                Odor and VOCs Treatment
                Sludge treatment
                Water environment management
                Environmental services and inv...
                Grundfos Product Agent
                Odor and VOCs governance
                Sludge treatment
                PPS Pump Station
                Environmental services
                Contact us
