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                Smart cloud platform 中文
                Home > Business > Odor and VOCs Treatment

                Other Deodorant Technologies

                Adsorption & Concentration — Catalytic Combustion

                Process Characteristics

                • With high purification efficiency, repugnant substance can be oxidized and decomposed thoroughly.

                • Has good applicability to for purification of organic waste gas with large air volume and high concentration, especially in petroleum, chemical, spraying, pesticide and other industrial enterprises.

                • Can be used in organic waste gas treatment of various air volume.

                Process flow


                Biological Deodorant

                Process Characteristics

                • Safe and non-toxic, no secondary pollution.

                • Less investment and flexible operation.

                • Simple operation and maintenance, small footprint

                • It is suitable for deodorization treatment where the odor is inconvenient to collect and the odor is discharged aperiodically and intermittently.

                Process flow


                Activated Carbon Adsorption

                Process Characteristics

                  • The response is fast and the effect is obvious.

                • It has a wide range of use. Under the condition that the adsorption material is updated regularly, it has a good adsorption and purification effect on all kinds of waste gas. It is generally combined with other processes for deep purification.

                Process flow


                Photo-catalytic Oxidation

                Process Characteristics

                • Operational flexibly which can be  used in any time. 

                • It has remarkable effect on organic waste gas which is difficult to biodegrade.

                • Combined with other processes would enhance the treatment effect.

                Process flow

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                Odor and VOCs Treatment
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                Sludge treatment
                PPS Pump Station
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