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                Smart cloud platform 中文
                Home > Business > Odor and VOCs Treatment

                Hypothermy Plasma

                Process principle

                Under the effect of electric field, the ionizer produces a large number of high-energy electron, which impacts on oxygen in air to form a reactive oxygen ion (O2+/-). The active oxygen ions can decompose harmful smell and odor, reunion and eliminate particulate matters, kill pathogenic microbes, as well as, damage and inhibit reproduction of bacteria, viruses and mold.

                Process characteristics

                The equipment is operational flexibility, which can be used in any time.

                Quick response and small footprint

                Simple structure, less workload in operation and maintenance

                Suitable for low-concentration odor control or indoor air purification with limited site

                Process flow

                Application field

                1, Municipal industry: sewage treatment plant, sludge treatment plant, sewage pumping station, etc.

                2, Industrial industry: sanitation (garbage transfer station, landfill, waste treatment plant, etc.), printing and dyeing textile, petrochemical, paper making, food (food processing plant, slaughterhouse, etc.), tobacco, medicine, printing, paint, leather, etc.

                3, Others situations: restaurants, airports, stations, hotels, shopping malls,  exhibition halls, stadiums, etc.

                Equipment Specifications

                Device Model Processing Capacity(m3/h) Power of the Ionizer(W) Size(mm)
                NFIU-1000 1000 11 1200×800×800
                3000 20 1350×1200×1200
                5000 40 1800×1400×1400
                8000 108 2100×1500×1500
                10000 132 2500×1600×1600

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                Odor and VOCs Treatment
                Sludge treatment
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                Grundfos Product Agent
                Odor and VOCs governance
                Sludge treatment
                PPS Pump Station
                Environmental services
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