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                Smart cloud platform 中文
                Home > Business > Odor and VOCs Treatment

                Chemical washing

                Process principle

                Using the theory of gas-liquid mass transfer, the waste gas can  be purified by chemical washing, which is called chemical deodorization. In the packed tower, the malodorous gas runs through the packing gaps, and is absorbed by touching  with the absorbent sprayed onto the filler, finally descend to the bottom of the  tower. While the clean air be treated get into the atmosphere through the exhaust pipe at the top.

                Process characteristics

                Starts up fast and operational flexibility.

                Has obvious effect on high concentration odor.

                Operate stably, and will be little influenced by surroundings.

                Suitable for purification of acidic and basic waste gas, or treatment of tail gas  with high odor concentration.

                Process flow

                Wet padded bed absorber is the most commonly chemical scrubber tower, which has downstream, countercurrent and cross-current modes. For example, in the countercurrent circulating filled tower,  the malodorous gas enters from the bottom of the tower, runs upward through the packing gaps, and is absorbed by the liquid that enters from the top of the tower and is sprayed onto the packing, finally, falls to the lower part of the filled tower with the absorption liquid. While the clean air that has been treated enters the atmosphere through the exhaust pipe. In order to completely remove the malodorous substances in the exhaust gas. To remove the odorous substances completely from waste gas, chemical washing deodorization usually adopts the multi-stage chemical scrubbing of acid and base. A typical flowchart is shown below:

                Application field

                This method is applicable to municipal sewage and sludge treatment, chemical industry, light industry, printing and dyeing, medicine, steel, machinery, electronics, electroplating factory emissions in the process of production has strongly acidic, alkaline or high concentration of exhaust gas treatment. Can be processing, high concentration odorous gases. And is especially suitable for high concentration of exhaust gas treatment.

                Equipment Specifications

                Device model Processing capacity (m3/h) Outer dimensions (Φ,H)(mm) Equipment  resistance(KW)
                NFBU-L-3000 3000 1500,3700 200~300
                NFBU-L-5000 5000 1500,4400 200~300
                NFBU-L-8000 8000 1800,4700 200~300
                NFBU-L-10000 10000 1800,5500 200~500

                For other specifications, please contact our technical engineers and customize according to site conditions.

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